Combine HomematicIP Cloud integration with Homematic IP ELV RF-USB-Stick

Hi Guys,

can I mixed two integrations - the existing one “HomematicIP Cloudintegration”, which works great with another one based on “Homematic IP ELV RF-USB-Stick”.

The goal is to be independent from the cloud, but keep the simple homematic app with graphic scheduler) Questions:

  • does it work?
  • will I lose existing connection to the cloud-hub and have to reintegrate it (I’ve got already several connected and configured devices, thus I’d like to avoid this step)?
  • any other idea? Installing ccu3 is not desired.

Appreciate your support

HomeMatic devices can only be paired with one hub. So either the HmIP Access Point, or something different (CCU, Raspberry Matic, whatever). So no, you can’t have both.

You can however pair some devices with the Access Point, while others are connected to a different hub. Then you can integrate boths hubs into Home Assistant. But then you can only control the devices paired with the AP via the app.

Thanks for your quick response, not that one I’d like to get, but it saves me 30€ for now. As long as my HA stays in a POC mode, I’d stick to the cloud and maybe migrate the devices later - especially I do not want to mess up with thermostats during winter :smiley:

Anyway many thanks