Combine multiple alarm_control_panels

Hello! I have an mqtt-connected alarm that creates an alarm control panel for each zone that can be armed (for each floor, contact and PIR sensors + 2 for garden PIRs) and one for the global arm.

I would like to create a template alarm panel that merges down these entities into a single alarm, so that I can have presets for arming and disarming multiple zones at once (it could be ok to use arm_home, arm_away, arm_night… if it’s not possible to have custom ones) and also have just one alarm card on my dashboard. Is it possible? How?

One more thing: none of the alarm entities that I now have require a pin in order to arm/disarm. It would be nice to have it (I know it would not add any real security, but it would prevent arming/disarming by mistake, and create a little more complication to anyone who might get their hand on my family’s phones)