Combine multiple powermeter sensors in the Energy Dashboard

Hi Everyone,

im facing two problems/ideas that may occured before so if i just dind’t find the answers maybe someone got a link for me.

I am trying to monitor the powerconsumption of my house. I use a couple of Shellys (3 ProEM, 4 ProPM and a couple of 2 ProPMs)

i can add 3EM to monitor my total energy usage
i can add the other shellys in the single device category

Problem 1:
My “Shelly Pro 4” has 4 sensors for energy monitoring which are all in use in my office room. I can add them all one by one but want to see the total consumtion of the room.
If i create a helper i can’t use it in the dashboard

Problem 2:
Is ist possible to monitor my total energy usage in the dashboard but split in into different sections (room1, room2, room3, unknown sources) ?
I can add my office sensors from problem1 but it will just “increase” my total usage above the actual total usage

kind regards :slight_smile: