I’m having trouble adding 2 sensors to 1 lovelace card. Both are temperature measurement that should be in C, the problem is probalby that I’m using different symbols. I tried a bunch of symbols, but nothing helped.
The sensors: The first one is comming from weather.
- platform: darksky
api_key: !secret dark_sky_api_key
name: weather
# forecast:
# - 0
# - 1
# - summary
- temperature
Here I can’t set the unit.
The second sensor is mqtt:
- platform: mqtt
name: “Temperature WC”
state_topic: “sensor/temperature_wc”
qos: 0
unit_of_measurement: ‘°C’
Here is the card in lovelace:
as you can see, the symbol for Celsius is slightly different, but nothing helps. I’ve tried: °C
, °C
and Celsius
. how can I make sure that I see both temperatures in one graph?