Combining automations

I have the following two automations which automatically turn on and off a console humidifier based on the humidity in my house.

- id: humidifier_auto_off
  alias: Humidifier Auto Off
    platform: template
    value_template: "{{(states.sensor.home_humidity.state | int) > (states.input_number.humidity_input.state | int)}}"
    - service: homeassistant.turn_off
      entity_id: switch.humidifier

- id: humidifier_auto_on
  alias: Humidifier Auto On
    platform: template
    value_template: "{{(states.sensor.home_humidity.state | int) < (states.input_number.humidity_input.state | int)}}"
    - service: homeassistant.turn_on
      entity_id: switch.humidifier

Is there a way these could be grouped together or combined into a single automation?

I’m still a newbie to Home Assistant so any help would be appreciated.

Yes, but in the case of these particular automations it does not save you much work / space:

- id: humidifier_auto
  alias: Humidifier Auto
    - platform: template
      value_template: "{{(states.sensor.home_humidity.state | int) > (states.input_number.humidity_input.state | int)}" 
    - platform: template
      value_template: "{{(states.sensor.home_humidity.state | int) < (states.input_number.humidity_input.state | int)}}"
    service_template: >
      {% if (states.sensor.home_humidity.state | int) < (states.input_number.humidity_input.state | int) %} homeassistant.turn_on
      {% else %} homeassistant.turn_off {% endif %} 
    entity_id: switch.humidifier

Thank you very much, that’s exactly what I was looking for. And while it doesn’t save a lot of space, it definitely helps to have both of these automations as a single toggle.

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My OCD just nagged me in to shrinking your code a bit further…

- id: humidifier_auto
  alias: Humidifier Auto
    platform: state 
    entity_id: sensor.home_humidity
    service_template: >
      {% if (states.sensor.home_humidity.state | int) < (states.input_number.humidity_input.state | int) %} homeassistant.turn_on
      {% else %} homeassistant.turn_off {% endif %} 
    entity_id: switch.humidifier

From 16 lines to 10 :sunglasses: