Combining Tasmota Switch with Zigbee Lightbulb into a group - issue when lightbulb not available


I’m having the following setup:

  • Light bulb integrated into HA via Zigbee2MQTT
  • Tasmota Switch with rules for dimming and on/off (removes power from light bulb if not needed)

I can integrate both into group, however it can end up in the following situation:

  • Light bulb has no power, but zigbee2mqtt reports it as “on” as this was the last state
  • Switch is off
  • Hence, the group is on as the light bulb is on (although it’s not available)

Is there an easy solution to that? For plugs, there is the option to reverse the group status, i.e. on means at least one of them is on.


Yes. Use a dumb light. You don’t control a smart light from a smart switch. That won’t work. Smart lights are expected to be powered at all times.

Probably no “solution” as you don’t really “own” your Z-:bulb: so you don’t have the right to repair it (so you actually end up getting a correct state in HA) :man_shrugging:

You should be able to “work’a’round” it with a simple template in HA that takes the state of your light and renders your unavailable state to off. :twisted_rightwards_arrows:

I actually do this a lot and it works great if you have full control and ownership (my stuff all runs esphome and my lights return off when they are off). :muscle:

This configuration allows to use the “superior” (no flickering) dimming the most bulbs/leds offer but at the same time allows cutting power (using it together wall smart switches) without any downsides :raised_hands: