Combustion integration

I’ve been working on a custom integration for Combustion predictive thermometers. It automatically discovers all probes that are reachable via Bluetooth, either via direct connection or via a Meatnet repeater. It currently creates a device for each discovered probe, with each device having the following sensors:

  • Core Temperature
  • Ambient Temperature
  • Surface Temperature
  • Battery Status

There are also 8 additional temperature sensors that can be optionally enabled, one for each of the thermistors in the probe.

Give it a try and let me know what you think: GitHub - legrego/homeassistant-combustion: Integrate Combustion thermometers with Home Assistant


This looks pretty neat!
Any chance you could get this into HACS?

Yes, I have a PR open awaiting review: Adds new integration [legrego/homeassistant-combustion] by legrego · Pull Request #2226 · hacs/default · GitHub

Thanks @legrero for making this. It works well, I’ll have to setup a dashboard for now it :slight_smile:

HACS does work, just need to add the repo. The only thing i noticed missing was some of the predictive timers, but I didnt look super hard so far.

Works great as a conditional card on my main dashboard. I have it set to only appear when the core temp goes above 90. Thank you!

How active is this development? Is it something I should rely upon?

I have a vested interest in maintaining this for my own needs. My limited time is currently dedicated to another one of my integrations (homeassistant-elasticsearch), but I plan on returning to this once I wrap up a few enhancements on the other one.

Is there a way to change the polling / refresh rate? I’d like to build a temperature controller on top of this. I looked into the python code inside the custom_components folder but I couldn’t find anything obvious. I am not too familiar with this type of python / bluetooth interface coding.

err I take that back. It updates plenty fast. Thanks, awesome integration! Painless :slight_smile:

Is there anyway of using home assistant to act as a meatnet relay to send the data to the cloud ie act as the wifi repeater rather than a phone. Does combustion inc even allow this function in the api?

BTW thanks for building this integration it will be so useful for alerts

Is there anyway of using home assistant to act as a meatnet relay to send the data to the cloud ie act as the wifi repeater rather than a phone. Does combustion inc even allow this function in the api?

@vijaykbhatia not at this time. I’m not aware of a public API for the MeatNet Cloud.