Coming from Raspi and OpenHab => Ondroid and emmc/ssd, ...?


I’m new here!
After few fights in last 3 years with openhab I will switch my (small) smarthome to “Home Assistant”.
I have Raspberry 3+ with 1GB RAM, but I plan to buy an Odroid N2+ with 4GB.

Make this sense?
Also unshure if I should use my SSD disk or switch to the EMMC (32GB)?

Under Openhab I have my “own” desaster recovery procedure:
I shutdown the Raspi, connect the used USB-SSD to a linux laptop and make a dump (#dd …) from the openhab-partition.
(and yes, i test this dump with another SSD, and it’s worked).

I find a installation guide for odroid and home-asssitant with Docker; and I think inside docker there is a good option to save running docker containers, correct?
=> shutdown Home Assistant and make a “copy” the dockers HA-container, and save this “container-image” to the NAS.

Will this be a good strategy to prevent lost of a working HA environment / desaster-recovery ?
Seems this will not a backup for what I want …
What will be a good backup stratey, to easy to recover to a older (working) config-state (including the data till this older point) ?

Thx for hints and “ideas” …