I used Vera for a ver long time and i have the following z-wave devices and i would like to migrate to Home Assistant and ditch Vera all together. (I am reading a lot about privacy and how this country uses them and i want to stay away from it as much possible, I don’t google anymore, no gmail, no gdrive and all no apps/services that require their cloud account/services)
Any of you can tell me if some of the devices i have doubt will be able to work with Home Assistant, so i can start the setup with Aeon Z-stick on Raspberry Pi 2 Model B. Thanks in advance
- Aeon Color LED Bulb
- Aeon Energy plug-in module
- Linear Garage door sensor
- Schalage Door Lock
- Aeon Z-Wave extender/repeater - amazon review
- Loftek IP Camera
- ADT IP Camera
- ADT Motion sensor
- ADT Door sensor
- Geo fencing feature
- Energy usage