Command_Line Cover state


In my house I have twe curtains. I open en close them bij using the command_line cover open/close/stop commands. This triggers an TCP/IP relay.



  - platform: command_line #http://<>/io.cgi?DOA8=20

        unique_id: 202306051802001
        command_open: "/usr/bin/curl -u admin:password -X GET 'http://<>/io.cgi?DOA1=20'"
        command_close: "/usr/bin/curl -u admin:password -X GET 'http://<>/io.cgi?DOA3=20'"
        command_stop: "/usr/bin/curl -u admin:password -X GET 'http://<>/io.cgi?DOA2=20'"
        friendly_name: Gordijn achter
        value_template: '{{ value[7] == "1" }}'

The problem is that there is no state feedback. Alle the icon’s stay black and if I use google assistant to close the curtains I get the responce that the state is unknown.

Does anybody have a solution?


What icons you are talking about?

I don’t know how to place the google assistant thing in this story? :wink:
Can you control it from google to open it?

I added a screenshot

The top icons are my curtains. They all are black. The last one you can see that one off the icons is grey. This represents the status.

My voice command works but there is voice feedback that the status off the device is not available.