Command Line sensor and xml status

i have a relè and i activate and activate it with this commands and it works
friendly_name: ReleBagno1
command_on: curl -s ‘
command_off: curl -s ‘
command_state: curl
value_template: >
icon_template: >
{% if value_json.letocrono_status.status == 1 %} mdi:toggle-switch
{% else %} mdi:toggle-switch-off
{% endif %}

this command (command_state: curl give me this result:

<‘elemento id=“45” type=“8” status=“1” currentvalue=“0” title=“Letto” label_value=“mV” id_group=“115” currenttextvalue="" des_group=“Camera da Letto”/’>

if the relay is on the status is = 1 , if the relay is off the status is = 0

the value template:
value_template: >
icon_template: >
{% if value_json.letocrono_status.status == 1 %} mdi:toggle-switch
{% else %} mdi:toggle-switch-off
{% endif %}

This is the result on Developer Tools if i check the entity:

icon: >-

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<‘elemento id=“45” type=“8” status=“1” currentvalue=“0” title=“Letto”
label_value=“mV” id_group=“115” currenttextvalue="" des_group=“Camera da
Letto” /’>

friendly_name: Luce Camera Letto

I would like to change the icon status but it don’t work.
Any suggest?

Thank you