Command_line sensor command failed

Hello everybody!

After upgrading to 0.75 my command_line sensors just stopped working. Not just one, but all. I’m using HASSIO.
HA can’t run even this simple command.

  - platform: command_line
    name: ls
    command: "ls -la"

The error message:
Command failed: ls -la

I can run the command on cli, but HA can’t run them.
My $PATH variable:

core-ssh:/bin# echo $PATH

That’s because the hassio container doesn’t have access to the commands on the host.

You need to set it up using something like:


Before updating to 0.75 all command_line sensor worked without a problem. No configuration changed from my side.

Ah, sorry. I missed the implication that they worked before.

Disregard! :slightly_smiling_face: