Command line sensor problems in Home Assistant Core 2023.6

Hi all,
something is wrong about command line sensors.

Short story:
Service homeassistant.update_entity don’t work on command line sensors
Reload command line entities in YAML panel don’t work,

Long story:
I have bunch of command line sensors.
They are defined as follows:

in configuration.yaml I have line:

command_line: !include_dir_merge_list command_line

in directory command_line I have bunch of yaml files like this one, random.yaml:

$ cat random.yaml 
  - sensor:
      name: random_value
      unique_id: cmd_random_value
      command: ""
      scan_interval: 10800
      command_timeout: 5

Sensors works ok, but service homeassistant.update_entity

service: homeassistant.update_entity
data: {}
  entity_id: sensor.os_updates_nr

does nothing.

Also if I change something in yaml, ie. change scan_interval, reload by clicking COMMAND LINE ENTITIES in YAML panel does nothing, no value changed.

Just to be clear here is content of, which change value when scan_interval elapse, but never when I try refresh it calling homeassistant.update_entity service:

homeassistant@hass:~$ cat $(which
echo $RANDOM


Should be fixed via

So will come in one of the next updates. Milestone 2023.6.2 assigned.

So, update_entity should be fixed in next release.
What about reloading command line entities?