I have an custom set of sensors that read data from my Solvis Max controller. It is build using a command line sensor like this:
- platform: command_line
name: SolvisMax
command: "python3 /config/scripts/solvis.py"
- Anlagentyp
- Systemnummer
- Tank_Top
- Warmwasser
- Tank_Bottom
- Tank_MidTop
- HeatPump_Feed
- HeatPump_Back
- S7
- HeatPump1
- Tank_MidBottom
- OutsideTemp
- WWCycleBack
- HK1_Feed
- HK2_Feed
- BoilerSensor
- HeatPump2
- S16
- VolumeWW
- Volume_Heatpump
- S19
- S20
- S21
- Modulation_Boiler
- S23
- S24
- S25
- S26
- S27
- S28
- Pump_HeatPump
- Pump_WW
- Pump_HK1
- Pump_HK2
- Pump_WWCycle
- Pump_HK3
- Pump_Solar2
- HK1_Mix_Open
- HK1_Mix_Close
- HK2_Mix_Open
- HK2_Mix_Close
- Boiler_NA
- Charge_Pump_Boiler
- Boiler
- Modulation_Boiler_Soll
- Modulation_Delta
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.solvismax', 'Tank_Top') }}"
unit_of_measurement: "°C"
the python script that decodes the data from the controller worked for over one year, but stopped working some weeks ago (I keep my Homeassistant as current as possible).
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPDigestAuth
def hextoint ( s ):
# print ("hextoint s="+s)
if len(s) > 2:
h = s[2:4]+s[0:2]
else :
h = s[0:2]
# print ("hextoint h="+h)
return int ( h, base = 16)
r = requests.get('http://solvis.xxxxx.xx/sc2_val.xml', params = {'dummy':'42'} , auth = HTTPDigestAuth('admin', 'xxxxx'))
start = r.text.find("<data>")
ende = r.text.find("</data>")
s = r.text[start + 6 : ende]
s = s[18:]
print( '{')
print ( ' "Anlagentyp":"'+str(hextoint(s[0:4]))+'",')
s = s[4:]
# Decoding of the message follows here, quite long
I seems that the requests module has been removed.
But even the documentation of the command line sensor suggests using a python script to poll values from a remote device. https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/command_line#use-an-external-script
I there a way to re-install this module ?