Hi there,
I am migrating from OpenHab to Home Assistant. I’ve migrated almost everything except one light controller (relays) which can be controlled only by HTTP requests. I have tried multiple solutions found in the Internet but none of them helped.
I’ve tried:
- switch:
name: Light 1 Q1
command_on: "/usr/bin/curl -X GET ''"
command_off: "/usr/bin/curl -X GET ''"
- binary_sensor:
name: "server_ac_power"
command: "acpi -a"
device_class: power
payload_on: "Adapter 0: on-line"
payload_off: "Adapter 0: off-line"
I added binary_sensor just for testing purpose. None of them appear in the dashboard. I checked logs - no error entries. What is going on? Why swich Light 1 Q1 is not visible in the dashboard?