I have had a few command line switches working perfectly fine for about 2 years. I usually apply updates as soon as they become available (w/ backups), however I cannot pin point the exact update that caused this issue.
I confirmed that these commands work w/o password request and perform the desired actions when I execute them manually by dropping into docker comatainer that HA lives in by issuing the following command.
docker exec -it homeassistant /bin/bash
The ssh line executes and everything w/o issues. However, when HA attempts to do it I see the following in my logs
Updating command_line switch took longer than the scheduled update interval 0:01:30
Originally I had 30 for update interval as the commands only takes like 2 seconds to execute but increased to 90 but no success.
If I restart HA it seems like to switches update but then stop working right after and the above entries are in my logs.
I am also seeing this on all of my command line switches which have been working fine for at least a year. They are still functioning, but report this message every time they execute the status call. Again, like the other posters, the commands when execute from the shell take a fraction of a second. Has anyone got to the bottom of this yet?