Commandline sensor failed to load python script

Hi all,
I am new to the HomeAssistant world. I am trying to setup a command line sensor using python script and I have run out of luck.

I was referring to the Integrations page and this post. This is what I am trying to achieve.

Here is a glimpse of my config file

 - platform: command_line
   name: test_sensors
      - total_cases
      - total_cases_india
      - error
   value_template: "{{ value_json['total_cases_india'] }}"
   unit_of_measurement: "int"
   command: 'python3 print("{\"total_cases\": \""+ str(12) +"\", \"total_cases_india\": \""+str(14)+"\"\", \"error\": \""+str(False)+"\"}")'
   scan_interval: 2`

Here are the issues I am facing:

  1. instead of print command I want to put a path to python file. I tried all different options but I cannot figure out where should I put my script and how to build the path.
  2. using SSL even on bash I tried both python and python3 command. Unfortunately, both of them didn’t work.

I also tried the python_script way but it didn’t work either as imports don’t work.

Can anybody please help me run .py files?

Which kind of HA are you running?

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I am runnig Hassio on Raspberry Pi 4