Comment integrer capteur sur esp easy en mqtt ! impossible de le rentrer comme entité sensor

good evening is good week to all. sorry if i am too long but i want to be precise.
for the past few days I have had a problem connecting a sensor bme280 temperature humidity and pressure. and also a temperature probe ds9b20.

I created a mqtt raspimqtt user not to be original. then the user password… and under the nodered module I have the topics that happen to me and I can manage them (export via a file, graphs, gauges).

but when I want to have the topics recognized as a sensor entity. I have a message

temperature exterieure


Cette entité (“sensor.temperature_exterieure”) n’a pas d’ID unique, par conséquent ses paramètres

ne peuvent pas être gérés à partir de l’interface utilisateur. Consultez le documentation pour plus de


I put the lines in configuration.yaml I also put

value_template: {{sensor.temperature_exterior}} and by repeating I have an error that blocks the remarrying.

    - name: "temperature  exterieure"
      state_topic: "home/ESP_1/DS18b20-28bb473a19197/tempExt"

which is copied but changing the values…

when I put before the 4 lines in configuration.yaml

   username: "mqtt"
   password: "eripot;eofk"

I have a duplicate error in vscode. is there an LTS version like it is for lmde or fedora linux.

thank you for your answer. And good week

English only please.