Communication with INA219 failed!

Has anyone ever had this error?
I have been trying to get an INA219 to work on a D1mini for days now. It is recognized on the i2c but generates this error:

Communication with INA219 failed!
[12:22:43][E][component:082]: Component ina219.sensor is marked FAILED.

I have tried several new ones, but none of them work.
The combination with an ina3221 works … But not the 219 or 226 …

What can this be?

Again. Please categorise your posts correctly. Moved.

How do you expect help when you post no wiring diagram, no yaml and only one line from your logs. Crystal balls not working.

(post deleted by author)

It would be better to start a fresh thread for your INA219 problem than this old post.

Did not want to trash the forum, but will do a you say.