Communication with my Wink hub went away this morning

This morning lost contact with my Wink hub. I checked that the Android Wink app was still working. I went to and confirmed that nothing had changed. I deleted wink.conf. I followed the instructions of the configurator. Everything checks out but I get this message:
“No code returned from Wink API”.

Does anybody have an idea?

You get the message after signing in with your Wink username and password? What is the URL you are going to when you get that message?

That message actually appears in the list when I click the info button. When I click the configure button I am directed to go to “http://my_hassio_IP:8123/auth/wink”. At that address I get the “wink client is not authorized or could not be found.”

Can you try to start over one more time. Stop home Assistant. Make sure it isn’t running. Then delete the .wink.conf and start HA back up. Then run through the configurator again. If you still get the error send me the URL you have in the address bar when you are on the login page.

Stopped Home Assistant. Deleted .wink.conf and started HA back up. Ran through the Wink configurator.

This time I got the “wink client is not authorized or could not be found.” message at:

Last time I got the “No code returned from Wink API” message at:


I assume you removed the actual client id from the URL?

Same thing happened to me today. I went to and my application was gone. I created another, got the client_id and client_secret, reconfigured in HA and all is well. I think something blinked at wink (or did it wink at blink, can’t be sure).

I noticed my developer account was gone a few weeks ago however everything still works for me, I even set HA up again from scratch but who knows.

Yes. I removed the actual IP.

I think it may be best to try to create another developer account and see what that does.

I logged into my developer account and attempted to delete my account. That seemed to have no effect. I could and did login to the account without problem even after repeated attempts to delete the account.
The only option was to create another application. I did. It was approved in an hour or two and a new client ID and client secret was provided.
I erased .wink.conf and restarted HA. I copied the new credentials into the configurator, went to http://my_hassio_IP:8123/auth/wink. The login failed and the usual message “Client is not authorized or could not be found.” appeared.

At a loss???

Hmmm. Can you open the .wink.conf and verify that the client id and client secret are exactly what is listed in your developer account? Make sure there are no spaces before or after?

.wink.conf seems to be JSON format. Between the quotes, the client ID and client secret are the same as in the developer site.

As yet there is no access token nor refresh token.

And you can confirm that the client ID I the URL also matches what is listed in the developer console?

I can confirm that the client ID and secret are the same.

Okay, would you want to try to have a TeamViewer session and see what’s going on? What time zone are you in? What time would work for you?

That would be great! I am in PDT and will be available any time between 9 am and 11 am tomorrow.

Sounds good. So by tomorrow did you mean today? Or Saturday?

I mean right now.

Okay, I am not available at the moment, at work. What about later tonight or tomorrow?