Community addons have disappeared from addon store

I have just noticed that there are no more community addons available in the addon store in my home assistant configuration. They were definitely available and I cannot tell at what point they vanished.
I now only have “local addons” and “official addons” available to install.
Can anyone tell me how I get those back? Did I mistakenly disable them? But I cannot find a setting that would do so.

I am running
on a

Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
Docker version

No, still there.

I found the problem. Had to manually reinstall the repo for community addons. It must have gotten lost at some point during regular updates to my home assistant instance.

how did you reinstall it?

Got to settings/addons then add on store. click three dots in top right and select “repositories”. Here I had to manually copy paste the git repository for the community addon store. I believe i was this one: GitHub - hassio-addons/repository: Home Assistant Community Add-ons

ah, thats not working for me, as the repository exists but has no name and the addons simply don’t show up :frowning: