Community Add-on: Glances and SSL


I am setting up a new configuration of HA. This time I am using a docker based setup. HA installed with no problems and I have SSL setup.

Through the Add-On Store I installed Glances which installed an appears to be working. Now I am in the process of securing it with SSL which the add-on looks to support in it configuration parameters.

I am looking to share the SSL cert and key I used for HA. They are located in the appropriate directory and mapped to /SSL. Through the docker console I have verified that they are showing up and are readable. The problem is that no matter what I set ssl, certfilee and keyfile to it doesn’t appear to change the way it is working. I even set certfile and keyfile to files that are not there and then set ssl to true. No errors and I get to Glances just fine.

Based on this I suspect that ssl isn’t being enabled. Maybe I don’t understand how things are supposed to work. I also set log_level to debug which shows up in the log but still no useful errors.

Any thoughts?

