Community Add-on: Google Assistant Webserver (broadcast messages without interrupting music)

I also have this issue but I don’t have the option to disable this in my router settings.
Is there any other workaround?


Can I use this Webserver to achieve this:

Play TTS on all Google Home Mini devices at once and without exposing LAN (opening ports) to the Internet. I would like to use these speakers just for TTS.

It looks like there broadcast function is about to get the ability to be room specific soon. Is this a feature that can be implemented here?

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It should be possible, since all this add-on does is create its own Google assistant that can do Google commands.

Without changing this addon to have a custom API for choosing a room, you would be able to use the “/command” endpoint to accomplish this, whatever they decide to make the command look like when this feature is released.

Can this addon play an audio file that is on my server in broadcast mode?

Is it possible to install this with HACS somehow? I’d like this functionality but I’m using the straight up home assistant installation.


This no longer works for me. For some reason it now needs to be manually started after startup and the Web UI is no longer accessible after start.

No, HACS is for custom components, Lovelace cards etc. This is an Add-on. I think there is a stand alone Docker container version elsewhere


Docker instructions for docker run command. I’m going to try it on my raspberry pi and report the results.

Bob, I’d like to request the stand-alone docker instructions be linked in the first post. As a n00b, I’ve been using HA for two weeks and the learning curve/amount of research required to get things working with my massive setup requires me to read a lot of different articles/posts quickly. There’s no way I can read more than the first few and last few posts.

I may have hit a roadblock

But this thread is about the Add-on. The stand-alone Docker version is not, so it should really have it’s own thread otherwise it will just confuse the situation further.

I’m pretty sure the entire Google integration, this is based upon, and references, is deprecated since it’s using Python APIs instead of the new Google Assistant APIs. My major difficulty was none of the screens matched expectations and I now understand that as of June 28, they changed from Python API to Google Assistant Service API.

Hi, does still work?

I installed on, I use the integrated GA (without nabucasa) to control the devices, when I start the add-on I receive the following message:

[Error] You need initialize GoogleAssistant with a client secret json!

Host system

Hostname servidor-ha
System Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS x64
Docker version 19.03.11

Thank you!

Also wondering the same thing. I’ve also been having issues trying to setup Home Assistant Relay so I believe integration with the Google Assistant API has changed and the add-ons have not been updated accordingly yet.

This was working for me when I used it a few days ago

EDIT: sorry, I was getting confused with a different add-on. This is what I use now:

I’ve been using the add-on to turn on my new Chromecast TV via CEC and even open apps like Home Assistant and Fully Kiosk Browser:)

Anyone else having troubles since updating to Home Assistant Core 2020.12 ?

If you mean that it doesn’t work anymore since than, I agree. It stopped working for me after updating to (the beta of) this 2020-12 release.

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I couldn’t get it working again and am very reliant on it so have moved over to Assistant Relay as an alternative.