Community Add-on: Google Assistant Webserver (broadcast messages without interrupting music)

It’s related to this bug. There’s also a workaround there


Is it possible to play an mp3 without stopping the playback ?
Got a lot of voice messages from Amazon Polly

Is it possible to get the status of a device in a http response somehow? So that i for example can get the status of my lights in the livingroom?

is this addon still working?

I see last update 12 months ago…

I moved to assistant relay maybe 4-6 months ago.

It seems that it is no longer mantained

Looking For Maintainers

Unfortunately I no longer have time to continue supporting Assistant Relay, and I have personally migrated to Home Assistant where I no longer have a personal need for Assistant Relay. V3 and V4 will remain in their current state, however if you would like to maintain, please create a fork and let me know so I can add to the ReadMe

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I dont see that in the respository I linked, but I do in the original developer, Greg Hesp’s. Check out

There is a hassio (HassOS) version as well it looks like, but I’ve only used the docker version.

Yes but repository is based on the original docker I linked so I guess if somewhere in the future anything will change it will be broke.

I tried assistant relay but it has issues with token expiry… So no solid solutions for now.
At least this broadcast component is still working for me.

The relay is indeed broken. And maintainer does not maintain it anymore.
I’m also in need of sending commands to google assistant from HA.
(For instance ‘hey google turn off my tv’ which is chromecast cec connected).

The assistant relay link I posted a few posts up works just fine. Last release was in October, but works great for me.

i’m still using this GitHub - robwolff3/google-assistant-webserver: Docker for google-assistant-webserver

my hassio system is running on my local network. I wonder if I can use this plugin? :face_with_monocle:

Hi, I’m running HA 2021.11.4 and I’m getting this warning:

Add-on config 'devices' use a deprecated format, the new format uses a list of paths only. Please report this to the maintainer of Google Assistant Webserver

Do you have any idea.

Just wanted to share that I have made a solution for broadcasting message to Google Assistant enabled speakers (tested with Sonos One speakers) from HA (tested with version 2022.4.3).

The solution is based on the Google Assistant Relay, but simplified.

You basically run embedded Google Assistant in Docker container ismarslomic/google-assistant-broadcast, which exposes REST Api that HA triggers through the RESTful Notification integration.

  • No interruption of music
  • No mic or speaker required to run the Docker containers
  • Simplified OAuth2 authentication flow to retrieve the access tokens by using Docker container ismarslomic/google-assistant-oauth



I’m using this with also assistant relay 4.04beta they both work.

For google assistant webserver i use a rest command like this:

      url: http://192.168.XXX.XXX:5000/command?message= {{ room }} {{ command }}

Broadcasting and even commands work great with Assistant webserver.
Same goes for Assistant relay.

I’m now checking if the current google api settings won’t stop working after 7 days.

Could this be turned into an add-on for easy setup on HAOS installs?

I don’t think my solution fits directly in existing HA environment because Im using Docker containers. But it is possible to translate my solution to python and integrate it with HA ecosystem. Either as part of the core integrations, or with HACS.

All HA addons are docker containers, but with a bit of extra. I’m not totally sure how to create such containers though.

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Do you happen to have IPV6 enabled? Used to be a problem with a dual stack, curious if it still is.