Home Assistant Community Add-on: Node-RED

I think you should specify extra Node-RED nodes in the add-on options under npm_packages
From the docs:

Option: npm_packages
Allows you to specify additional NPM packages or Node-RED nodes to be installed to your Node-RED setup (e.g., node-red-dashboard, node-red-contrib-ccu).

Note: Adding many packages will result in a longer start-up time for the add-on.

ok, can’t find python. And how do I install Python on Hass.io?


Please read the add-on documentation.


OK so I’ve just come back to HASS so I have a clean install.

The latest NodeRed container doesn’t seem to be passing the data field for service calls.

For example, a call to homeassistant.turn_on gives me this in my homeassistant.log: homeassistant/turn_on cannot be called without entity_id even though I have the same as below - {“entity_id”: “input_boolean.blah”} defined.

And a call to input_boolean.turn_on turns them ALL on, even with {“entity_id”: “input_boolean.blah”} defined.

I’m using a copy/pasted flow that was working before… so I’m positive it’s not the flow


OK so I worked out the issue, HassIO supervisor 117 breaks it. 115 works fine.

@dangeek, Supervisor 118 has just been released (beta channel), that addresses this issue.


I have Hassio installed and Supervisor 118 (non-beta channel) installed and am getting the error still. None of my automation are working correctly now. Seeing this in the Node-red logs for all actions:

23 Jul 20:14:41 - [warn] [api-call-service:Take snapshot from webcam] Error calling service, home assistant api error
23 Jul 20:14:41 - [error] [api-call-service:Take snapshot from webcam] Error calling service, home assistant api error

I too have Node-Red connection issues, all of a sudden, while on Supervisor v.118.
Removing and installing the add-on didn’t help either. Neither did restarting the hassio server. Any guidance here, please?

[error] [server:Home Assistant] Home assistant connection failed with error: Connection to home assistant could not be established with config: http://hassio/homeassistant <password not used>


Same here with same setup. State change triggers are coming in properly from home assistant

Having the same issue here…

As a workaround I changed the Base URL of the homeassistant connection in nodered from “http://hassio/homeassistant” to “http://ip:port”.


Have 118 beta channel and still same error in nodered log. :frowning:

It looks like the issue is with the home assistant proxy. You can do a workaround by adding your home assistant IP and port to the node instead of http://hassio/homeassistant (

If you use https like duckdns you’ll need to use your duckdns url https://yourduckdnsurl.duckdns.org:8123

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This works for getting the node back online but

How will we all know when it’s okay to switch back to intended URL config use? Is the problem supervisor related? If we don’t want to go down the beta route will we just have to wait till next point version?

Hello - while recently trying to solve a problem with my Node-Red addons, I caught up with some posts here and noticed that there is an official Hass.io Node-Red addon.

I installed my Node-Red addon some time ago using ttps://github.com/notoriousbdg/hassio-addons

I also noticed the word “Deprecated” that is associated with this repository.

Given all of this - how do I upgrade to the official Hass.io and community version of Node-Red?

My current version is 0.1.12
The Hass.io version is 0.4.0
But then within Node-Red, it says 0.18.7: Maintenance Release

@TheHookUp overnight my Node-Red stopped connecting to hass.io as well, trying to change base url as you suggested but Node-Red log still says connection cannot be established.

edit: forgot to change the API password when changing the base URL. However now I’m getting lots of invalid login attempt showing up in the front end:


Same here issue - thought I did something stupid but I didn’t make any changes just happened after a reboot.

welcome to the party :wink: …lets hope we find a solution soon

Same here :frowning:

Another one here