Community Add-on: Paradox Alarm Interface

Revert your keepalives to defaults and see here:
System Options -> Communication -> “Transmit zone status on serial port”
That will send instant motion detection events!



This is the parameter that changes everything.

Yep! Once I activated that was like I found Holy Grail :laughing: Suddleny PAI became the most powerful thing in my HASS.
That is, util some supervisor updates start breaking things.

Tried saving the new config but get the following error…

Failed to save addon configuration, not a valid value for dictionary value @ data[‘options’]. Got {‘LOGGING_LEVEL_CONSOLE’: 20, ‘LOGGING_LEVEL_FILE’: 40,…

Please help…

Use the default configuration. Save.
Then update your parameters one by one, and save after each update until you find the one that raise this error.
It took me some time.

Got it sorted thanks, just now I cannot arm or disarm it thru HA and it shows as disarmed when it is armed…

After arming, the status does not update

Unfortunately, after upgrading PAI to version 2.3.0 (Hassio 5.11), the state after arming does not change (keep showing Arming). If i send a disarm command, the state does not change again either (keep showing Arming).

The corresponding error logs are:

2021-02-11 21:20:25,236 - INFO     - PAI.paradox.interfaces.mqtt.basic - Partition command: House=arm_sleep user: None
2021-02-11 21:20:25,548 - WARNING  - PAI.paradox.paradox - Missing property exit_delay in partition/House
2021-02-11 21:20:25,832 - WARNING  - PAI.paradox.paradox - Missing property squawk in partition/House
2021-02-11 21:20:45,242 - WARNING  - PAI.paradox.paradox - Missing property arm in partition/House
2021-02-11 21:20:45,356 - WARNING  - PAI.paradox.paradox - Missing property arm_sleep in partition/House
2021-02-11 21:20:51,157 - ERROR    - PAI.paradox.lib.handlers - No handler for message 5
Detail: Container: 
    fields = Container: 
        data = b'R\x00\x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x14\x15\x02\x0b\x15\x14\xd1'... (truncated, total 36)
        value = Container: 
            po = Container: 
                command = 5
                status = Container: 
                    reserved = False
                    alarm_reporting_pending = False
                    Winload_connected = True
                    NeWare_connected = False
            validation = 128
            address = 0
            data = b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x14\x15\x02\x0b\x15\x14\xd1\x99\x95\x00\x00'... (truncated, total 32)
        offset1 = 0
        offset2 = 36
        length = 36
    checksum = b'0' (total 1)
2021-02-11 21:21:08,333 - INFO     - PAI.paradox.interfaces.mqtt.basic - message topic=paradox/control/partitions/House, payload=disarm
2021-02-11 21:21:08,334 - INFO     - PAI.paradox.interfaces.mqtt.basic - Partition command: House=disarm user: None
2021-02-11 21:21:08,682 - WARNING  - PAI.paradox.paradox - Missing property arm_stay in partition/House
2021-02-11 21:21:08,683 - WARNING  - PAI.paradox.paradox - Missing property alarm in partition/House
2021-02-11 21:21:11,815 - INFO     - PAI.paradox.interfaces.mqtt.basic - message topic=paradox/control/partitions/House, payload=disarm
2021-02-11 21:21:11,820 - INFO     - PAI.paradox.interfaces.mqtt.basic - Partition command: House=disarm user: None

In addition, i observed that every 1 minute says that it syncs the time with the Paradox Panel (SP6000) due to time drifting (even thought that the time is correct at my panel). However, i bypassed this issue with disabling sync at the options.

2.3.1 released. Hurry to be first and get it nice and shiny with latest bug fixes.

v2.3.1 installed
Had some trouble to get a valid configuration, so I’ve uninstalled, reinstalled, and then updated manually my parameters.
It has started without any issue. Looks OK for the moment.

v2.3.1 as well as v2.3.0 on supervisor-2021.02.6 cannot connect to alarm with serial over ip.
where is ‘IP_CONNECTION_BARE = True’

It works for me over IP.
Did you check your password ?

Thank you ,yes i m using the same from my previous config.

Reset your configuration and add one by one to see what is not allowed.

ok i added it and now is ok



Changed to dev version (to see every infromation what the panel can provide), because I wanted to monitor and notify myself about system troubles too. Checked the first one in my list, disconnected the input power from the panel. In a real paradox panel I could see a system error, with AC trouble too, but in Home Assitant none of them was present.

I listened those states in MQTT Explorer:
All of them remain in false state (and everything in the system/troubles topic).
Only the partiton (I only have one) “paradox/states/partitions/MYPARTITION/trouble” became true. But there I cannot see trouble cause. Is it a known bug, or I made something wrong? I havent seen any discuss about this problem before …

My panel is an EVO192 FW 6.86

Congratulations on this amazing addon. I successfully checked 2 panels of my house. One panel is SP6000 with serial to USB connection and the other evoHD panel with IP150 local network connection. At MQTT integration I see the device SP6000 or EVOHD.
My question is this: Is it possible to do the configuration of PAI to see both SP6000 and EVOHD devices on MQTT at the same time.

Thanks in advanced

Getting the following error, do I need an installer code vs a user code? My installer is MIA so that’s a no go. Any suggestions?

As well, any suggestions in changing the configuration without getting the fail to save error?

2021-02-17 08:44:48,804 - INFO - PAI.paradox.connections.ip.commands - Session successfully established with IP Module
2021-02-17 08:44:48,804 - INFO - PAI.paradox.paradox - Connecting to Panel
2021-02-17 08:44:48,907 - INFO - PAI.paradox.paradox - Panel Identified SP6000 version 4.54 build -1
2021-02-17 08:44:48,908 - INFO - PAI.paradox.paradox - Initiating panel connection
2021-02-17 08:44:49,038 - INFO - PAI.paradox.hardware.spectra_magellan.panel - Installer login
2021-02-17 08:44:49,138 - ERROR - PAI.paradox.paradox - Got ERROR Message: Invalid PC Password
2021-02-17 08:44:49,140 - ERROR - PAI.paradox.lib.handlers - Exception caught during message handling
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/paradox/lib/”, line 112, in handle
await handler(data)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/paradox/lib/”, line 61, in call
result = self._handle(data)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/paradox/”, line 638, in handle_error_message
raise AuthenticationFailed()

Got it working, was the PC Password. Replaced the 0 with a number per FAQ.

All of the imported entities were imported with an Entity State of Clear/Detected. Can these be changed and or modified(Door = Open/Closed)

If possible can I re-import or do they need to be adjusted individually.