Community Add-on: Paradox Alarm Interface

WTH! I was struggling and thought what did i do!!! Well fingers crossed, it gets fixed soon, we all hope. Was it for you also PAI (paradox) or something else? Best regards!

I have changed auto_uart to uart as well. But they have broken something else.

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Seems permission related, maybe based on recent vulnerability.

Same problem here, since the supervisor update. I’m trying from the IP way … it was OK before the update. I hope it will figure out soon …

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Thank you Jevgeni !

Thank God I am not the only one.

Hopefully HA will come up with a fix ASAP

Any idea on what we could report to HA team about this issue ? Did someone already report the problem ?

It is:

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Nice, thank you.
Interesting debate. :slight_smile:

How can this be fixed?

2.3.0 was released that fixes the issue.


Wow. How do I get this update? I tried ha supervisor update cli. nothing happened

Edit: my bad. i thought you meant ha core. xD updated Paradox Alarm Interface 2.3.0. Worked flawlessly!
Thanks man!!

how do i get the update

got it thanks

Looks it works fine ! Thanks !

What about the LOGGING_FILE? It complains about it missing. When I add it to the configuration manually, it says invalid yaml. Any hints?

Start configuring from scratch.

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Yep, I had to do it, and it took me some time to identyif yaml errors, like for instance my password which used to be : null.
I tried null, automayically converted to ‘n’, and finally suceeded using an empty string ‘’.
But everything seems to work fine now, like it has been for months.

It works again, thanks to all of you guys!!!

It is working again, big thanks !

Anyway, I like to have a more precise motion detection from my EVO192. With default config: IP keepalive 10, MQTT keepalive 60, I had to wait a long time to have a detected motion from various PIRs, and was inaccurate, sometimes didn’t detected. Just for experiment I changed the IP keepalive to 1, and MQTT to 10. It was almost same fast as in the real alarm panel and much more accurate, but this eats CPU resource. Which keepalive (or any other variable) should I change to have a better detection, to be CPU friendly?