Community Add-on: Terminal

Yeah, the new Panel/UI does not provide a “refresh” option yet, which is a shame.

I can take up to 8 hours for your system to pick up the update. Unfortunately, the only way to force it right now is by rebooting your system (I’ve not yet read into all the changes, so there might be a hidden quicker workaround besides rebooting).

No worries. I just restarted HA and it still doesn’t show so I’m rebooting the host as you suggested.

Rebooting the host does not update it either.

Seeing this in the log too:
[2018/02/28 09:52:09:9072] ERR: lws_context_init_server_ssl: SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations unhappy
[2018/02/28 09:52:10:2388] ERR: Unable to load SSL Client certs file from (null) – client ssl isn’t going to work

Terminal works though. Weird.

That is an error documented as “known”, but unharmful.

I’m not sure why a reboot is not showing the update.
If you already have a “recent” terminal (of an “recent” SSH add-on) running, you’d could try running this on the commandline:

hassio addons reload

That should force the “reload” of all add-ons resources.

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Just uninstalled and reinstalled but it looks like it’s still seeing 2.2.1…

Just saw…

I’ll try that from terminal?

Yep from the Terminal or SSH command-line.

➜ ~ hassio addons reload
hassio: ‘addons’ is not a hassio command. See ‘hassio --help’.#
➜ ~

Works from PuTTY though and now it shows as update available (Orange icon in addons)
No idea why restarting the host didn’t show it…

Hmz ok, CLI in the previous version is outdated (and is updated by the new version you can’t install… :P)

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hahaha!!! Using PuTTY fixed it. LOL!

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Ah!!! I see that you can also reload snapshots in the new terminal as well!! That is worth pointing out prominently. (If I want to get a snapshot out of archive and copy it back into backup this will then make it visible)

Seems to fix a few things you can’t do since refresh was taken out of the GUI

That is not really fixed by the add-on, it simply ships the official Hassio CLI, which was updated this release (new version of it has a lot of new features).

Yeah of course. The addon just makes it more accessible. I was struggling to see how you could update the snapshot list short of rebooting the host until now.

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Having an issue upgrading to v2.3.0 of the Terminal add-on. Have tried uninstalling, rebooting host/restarting hassio and reinstalling add-on multiple times. When starting the add-on I get the same error every time in the Supervisor log (see below). No log for add-on since it never starts.

18-03-20 01:03:36 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.addons.addon] Create Home-Assistant addon data folder /data/addons/data/a0d7b954_terminal
18-03-20 01:03:36 INFO (SyncWorker_15) [hassio.docker.interface] Pull image hassioaddons/terminal-armhf tag 2.3.0.
18-03-20 01:03:37 INFO (SyncWorker_15) [hassio.docker.interface] Tag image hassioaddons/terminal-armhf with version 2.3.0 as latest
18-03-20 01:03:38 WARNING (SyncWorker_1) [hassio.docker.interface] Can’t grap logs from hassioaddons/terminal-armhf: 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error (“can not get logs from container which is dead or marked for removal”)
18-03-20 01:03:46 WARNING (SyncWorker_11) [hassio.docker.interface] Can’t grap logs from hassioaddons/terminal-armhf: 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error (“can not get logs from container which is dead or marked for removal”)
18-03-20 01:03:49 INFO (SyncWorker_0) [hassio.docker.interface] Clean hassioaddons/terminal-armhf docker application
18-03-20 01:03:49 ERROR (SyncWorker_0) [hassio.docker] Can’t create container from addon_a0d7b954_terminal: 409 Client Error: Conflict (“Conflict. The container name “/addon_a0d7b954_terminal” is already in use by container “afde0eba…”. You have to remove (or rename) that container to be able to reuse that name.”)
18-03-20 01:04:31 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.addons.git] Pull addon repository
18-03-20 01:04:31 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.addons.git] Pull addon repository
18-03-20 01:04:32 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.addons] Load addons: 32 all - 0 new - 0 remove


That seems to be an issue, maybe open an issue on GitHub in GitHub - home-assistant/supervisor: 🏡 Home Assistant Supervisor ?

This add-on is flawless. Thanks for such an amazing addon.

I do have a feature request though, can you add scrolling support so we can see messages that go off the screen? Or am I missing something simple that already allows us to scroll up?


The add-on is running in a tmux session (nice search term :wink: )

Hit Ctrl+a and next hit your page-up key.
You can scroll now (even use your arrow keys).
Hit q to exit the “scrolling” mode.

There are much more features. But Ctrl-a is kinda the letting-him-know-there-is-a-tmux-command-next-key.

Another example: Ctrl-a -> c. Creates a secondary terminal window (appears in the bottom bar). 1 and 2. Hit Ctrl-a + 1 to switch to the first, Ctrl-a + 2 to switch to the second.

Now I’m just hitting the surface…

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Oh My…

I love tmux, and now this terminal has just become my best friend. Thanks so much for the info and fast reply!

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I am new to Raspberry, new to Home Automation and
However, I am very familiar with Terminal and CLI.

I installed Terminal, but can’t run it, it complains of a missing (cert)file.
This is what I get in my log:

 INFO: Supervisor version requirements checks passed.
 [cont-init.d] exited 0.
 [cont-init.d] executing... 
 FATAL: The configured certfile is not found  

Since I just installed the Add-on on a fresh install, I don’t understand the issue.
Thanks for any pointer.

What are the options you have configured in Terminal? Is SSL set true? Do you have SSL installed?

Hello David, and thanks for your fast reply.
I assume my problem is with these two items:

"certfile": "fullchain.pem",
 "keyfile": "privkey.pem",

I’ve noticed that none of the add-ons that have these two lines are working.
When I read about the add ons there are no mention of them.

Again, thanks for your fast reply.

Missed the last part of your question.
Yess, SSL is installed and this is how I am able to work on the configurations files.
Again, none of the add-ons that use the certificate file above are working.
Did I miss something?

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