Compact Custom Header

not if you use the custom-updater… it’s changed since yesterday

You’re going to have to bear with me, I haven’t used the updated custom-updater myself. Will check it out when I can.

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Finally found it but it’s well burried

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This issue has been addressed in the latest release 1.0.0b2

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yes. thanks for being so quick.

FWIW, the custom-update still only shows b1 BTW

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I updated my transpiled version of CCH for legacy devices to version 1.0.0b3 and also managed to bundle in the editor code as well. Since I am using YAML mode to configure Lovelace that part is untested, but the code is there now.


ok, im trying this again. I keep getting the red box.(doesn’t exist) updated to the newest file.

is this correct? does it go at the top of the view.

icon: mdi:home-assistant
background: radial-gradient(black, black)

theme: midnight
  - id: 0  # Automatically created id
    title: Home
    theme: midnight
      - type: custom:compact-custom-header
        main_config: true
          - conditions:
              user: Corey
              options: clock
              clock_format: 12
              menu: hide
              notification: hide
              hide_tabs: 1,2,4,5,6,7

what is the error? Doesn’t matter where you put it really and that looks correct.

custom element doesn’t exist.

- url: /local/custom_ui/compact-custom-header/compact-custom-header.js?v=1.0.0b4
    type: module 

Is there a stack requirement? - type: vertical-stack

Stack is only required for panel view. Are you sure that url is correct? the card exists in www > custom_ui > compact-custom-header ?


then placed these two files in the compact-custom-header folder:


Got it working, cache issue! Thanks so much!

Need some help here … I don’t understand why I’m getting this error. It worked fine yesterday.

The error appears on each view.
The first view also got the line: main_config: true


  - url: /local/custom-lovelace/compact-custom-header/compact-custom-header.js?v=0.0.1
    type: js

  - type: custom:compact-custom-header
    header: true
    menu: true
    notification: false
    voice: false
    options: false
    tabs: true

File location:

What errors are displayed in the HA log and browser Dev Tools (F12)? Also, “tabs: true” is not an config option.

Requires “type: module” now

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Ah, thank you @PlayedIn missed that. Yup it’s “type: module” now and if this is your first upgrade since the major update I would suggest reading through the readme and upgrading/installing manually, @bengt.

Thank You @PlayedIn and @mayker.
Changed “type: js” with “type: module”. Now it works fine again.

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I have strange issue with this card. At the bottom of the screen appears a bar in a different color than the view background.

My config:

title: 'Dom'
  - id: home
    icon: mdi:home
    title: 'Pomieszczenia'
    background: '#e5e5e5'
    path: home
    panel: true
      - type: custom:layout-card
          - type: custom:compact-custom-header
            clock_format: 24
            clock_am_pm: false
            main_config: true
            options: clock
          - ...
          - ...

Any solutionf for that?

try the CCH background image fix:
background_image: true

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I think that the card should have an option to align the height of the States header with the height of the header in the Settings/History/etc. Is it possible?