Compact Custom Header

Where can I find it?

Sorry, should have mentioned. To find this release in HACS you will need to “Show Beta” in the CCH HACS entry and click “Reload”. You should then see 1.1.9b1 as the “available version”

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:frowning: I don’t use HACS, I 've tried it but lot of custom compnents became useless.

Oh, no worries. You can still try it. Just use the 2 js files on the repo, they have been updated. Just install manually like you have been. If you need to downgrade you can download 1.1.9 from the releases page.

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@mayker I took the version on HACS (1.1.9b1) and CCH Settings moved from the tester I tried last night back to the overflow menu. Its not an issue for me but I wanted to check out the hide “Unused entities” setting and its not there.

Pretty sure that’s a caching issue on my part. Thank you! Fixed in 1.1.9b2

in 1.1.9.b2 the problem with the menu returned :frowning:

Thank you, was afraid of that. Will keep working on it. Error message?

Honestly, I’m cool with the menu staying in the overflow level… :slight_smile:

Installed version: 1.1.9b2 working well!

I did see this in the logs…

ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.201906260] http://hassio-pm:8123/community_plugin/compact-custom-header/compact-custom-header.js:427:27 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'hasAttribute' of null

Pre-release 1.1.9b3 for another attempt.

Wanted to thank everyone again for bearing with me through these issues. They were/are difficult to track down as I couldn’t/can’t replicate them on my system, so I was relying on reports from you and the few patient individuals that went above and beyond testing fixes for me.

If you’re using HACS it’s very easy to switch between releases, pre-releases, and downgrade now if need be. If you’re manually installing you can just download/pull the release you’d like. Please share any errors you may be receiving even if they seem like the same one over and over. Catch me here, on github, or on discord and I’ll help in any way I can.

I’ll keep plugging away with these pre-releases and hope that a few of you that were having the issues listed below test them an report back. Can’t thank you enough.

  • TypeError: Cannot read property 'hasAttribute'
  • Cannot read property ‘style’ of null at styleButtons
  • Editor not displaying.

If you notice that you no longer get an error or no longer have an issue, please let me know that it’s currently working for you and what error/issue was solved.


Installed version: 1.1.9b5

  • unused entities works !
  • No errors here!!

I tried to have different configurations for to users (main user and display)
when I reduce the number of shown tabs for the display-user on my phone, it has an effect on all devices and on the main user as well.
Do I miss or forgot a customize entry?

What does your config look like?



You have no exceptions listed. If you want a different setup based on exceptions click “add exception”, expand the new container, fill in the conditions at the top, then set the config to use for those exceptions below that.

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Update 1.2.0:

Changes since 1.1.9:

  • Addresses remaining editor issues
  • Adds hide “Unused Entities”
  • Prevents cards being displayed above editor
  • Move “CCH Settings” back into “Configure UI”

Ah ok, thank you. Will give it a try.

@works and is exacly what I was waiting for.
Great work!

PS: If I now could set a theme for this user, It would be perfect :slight_smile:

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If you’re talking about styling CCH per user it is already possible, but needs done via raw config editor. If instead you mean changing HA’s theme per user, click the user’s icon in the sidebar when logged in as them.

You can also style CCH using theme variables, giving you per user styling without exceptions by using themes.

You’re right, thank you.
I meant the HA theme.
It is possible to set it on HA start via automation.
Unfortunately I do not see the possibility, to set themes dependend on the login user.
There is no entity, which gives the login user so that I can use it in a condition.

Maybe later :slight_smile:Thanks for your help.