Compact display group (sensors)

I’m interested in making space efficient summary views of available data/states in HA, and I’m thinking of something similar to the thermostat view where three informative elements are collected into one (e.g. State, Setpoint, Current value).

I’m thinking that setting up the following:

  name: Living room sensors
  compact: yes
    - sensor.livingroom.temperature
    - sensor.livingroom.luminance
    - sensor.livingroom.power

Could result in

Living room sensors 20 °C | 200 lux | 1500 W


Heating (with energy consumption) 20.5 °C | 850 W | 75 kWh

One can of course achieve it using template_value, but it is not suitable for its history view.

I believe this is achievable with the new custom card UI options.