Companion App beta-2510-f9ceeb0d-full requires template change for detecting BT connections

My companion app updated overnight last night and triggered my automation which detects if BT connection to my watch disconnected…

  - name: "TicWatch Bluetooth"
    unique_id: phone_connected_to_ticwatch
    device_class: connectivity
    state: >-
     {{ (state_attr('sensor.vog_l04_bluetooth_connection','connected_paired_devices') != None) and ('30:95:E3:DE:21:52' in state_attr('sensor.vog_l04_bluetooth_connection','connected_paired_devices'))}}
    icon: >
     {% if (state_attr('sensor.vog_l04_bluetooth_connection','connected_paired_devices') != None) and ('30:95:E3:DE:21:52' in state_attr('sensor.vog_l04_bluetooth_connection','connected_paired_devices')) %}
     mdi:bluetooth-connect {% else %} mdi:bluetooth-off {% endif %}

The latest app now reports BT connections like this with a description:

Easily rectified…

this is why we have a breaking change prompt to notify users upon upgrading, as a beta user you should be making sure to read the changes.

Thanks, I did read the breaking change notification in the app and recall seeing the one about TTS changes but did not see anything about BT connections format change. I may have missed it. I have updated the post title and removed my “but still…” comment…

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no you didn’t miss it, the breaking change PR was not merged yet to mention the addition of the device name. My bad thought we had this updated but sometimes the changelog is not updated before the play store. Should hopefully be updated in time for next weeks beta push.

I guess I should have looked here!

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yea normally you shouldn’t need to as the chagnelog gets updated but being in the beta you may find yourself needing to check github in case its not updated.