I use the android companion app wifi sensor to de-activate my home alarm when I am out, but I found the sensor only update the wifi ssid if I open the companion app. If I just go out, sensor isn’t updated, and my phone is showed as connected to my home wifi in home assistant, even if it doesn’t. I need to open the companion app in my phone, and then the ssid is updated in home assistant and the alarm is activated…
Is there something I need to configure in my phone to the companion app update the sensors by its own?
Seems to me that if someone does switch off the WiFi on the phone, or the phone runs out of battery, the same will happen using the app. Means it could be safe to switch off the alarm when the phone is detected, but switching on based on WiFi is a different thing…
Because my wife is a bit afraid of Wifi radiation, she constantly switches of the Wifi. Therefore I use the ‘spider in the box’ model. Presence is detected by WiFi and it remains enabled until the door opens, because that means someone can potential leave the house.
Actually no…
The state is preserved as it was when the battery runs out.
Same thing if you reboot. The only time it will not work is if you drop the wifi due to coverage or turn off wifi.
Then the phone will activate the mobile network and update the sensor.