Since 2024.12.3 (when the new VPN/Ethernet options came about), the companion app on my Sony Xperia 1 VI doesn’t recognize my set home WLAN. I even used the “Add ” button, and everything looks fine on that page, but I’m still prompted for fingerprint to unlock, BLE doesn’t transmit at all if the “transmit on home network only” option is turned on, etc. I’ve cleared my cache and even cleared storage, but the problem persists. Any ideas on how to fix this?
Do you have an internal URL entered? If not, could you try filling it and see if that works (you can use the same value as Home Assistant URL)?
Similar issue reported here: Unlock on home wifi doesn't work anymore · Issue #4934 · home-assistant/android · GitHub
Thanks for the suggestion - that seems to have fixed the issue
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Thanks for the confirmation, I’ve submitted a change to the app to fix that as you shouldn’t be required to enter an internal URL for features that only mention “home network” (but it is a good workaround for now ).
Edit: the fix will be included in app version 2024.12.7.