Compass Sensor with offset, without rotating background image?

Hey All,

I’m trying to set up a compass card with the image of my house in the center, to see the position of the sun at any given moment.

However, the image I have is not North aligned (rather West). The problem with this is that, if I apply any offset on the compass north element, then the image is also rotated, never achieving what I intend!

This is my code:

          - type: custom:compass-card
              - sensor: sun.sun
                attribute: azimuth
                  type: circle
                  color: orange
                    sensor: sun.sun
                    attribute: elevation
                      - from_value: 0
                        show: true
              - sensor: sun.sun
                attribute: elevation
                units: °
                decimals: 1
                background_image: /local/home.png
                background_opacity: 0.5
                show: true
                offset: 90 # or 0
                show: true

                show: true
                show: true

And what I get is either image or image.

When what I’d want is the background image as on the latter, but the cardinal points as on the former (and if they can be not tilted, that would be awesome also).

Any idea how to do this??

Thank you!

Answering myself right when I thought I would not be able to solve it without help :smile:

on the circle attribute, use offset_background: false :slight_smile:

Now I’d only be missing the How to not have the cardinal points tilted part… ideas?

Why not just rotate the image CCW 90 degrees in an image editing program and leave north as up on the compass?

Image rotated looks quite weird given the angle of the image… :slightly_frowning_face: