Compatibility with TP-Link Smart Plugs

Does anyone know if the HS105’s are also supported?

This page says HS100, HS110, and HS200 are supported, but I think the HS105 might be more recent?

Also, how easy are the tp-link smart plugs to use in HA? Is it as simple as adding the Yaml on that page and there will be a toggle on/off on the states page?

As it uses the same app for mobile control, one could think it’s supported with the same protocol.

And yes, they are very easy to use. Just set-up IP of your plug into the configuration file and it will be displayed on the front page.

edit: to add, I’m using HS110.

That’s god to hear, thanks. Do you own one of the HS105’s?

There’s a possibility they won’t work right out of the box. Do give them a try, and if they don’t work open an issue here:

I’ll do my best to get them working if they use the same protocol as the HS100/110/200 if you’re willing to do the testing and be patient :slight_smile:

Awesome thanks for the info! I might not be able to get my hands on one until towards the end of this month but I’ll try to let people here know when I do.

I picked up an HS105 and it doesn’t seem to work out of the box. I’ve opened to track the details of setting up support for it.

@kirichkov @teprrr @trainman419

Got my hands on an HS105 and it’s not working for me either. Looks like that Github issue hasn’t been active in over two weeks however :frowning:

Okay so the people over at the pyHS100 repo have a fix in place for the HS105. I cloned the repo and pip installed the local repo into deps. I restarted HA with --skip-pip and the HS105 controls work! I did have to change a couple lines of code that were erroring, but hopefully the fix makes it into a release soon.

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Thank you for the cloning and replacing existing dir tip. Just did the same on 0.38.3. I do not need to use --skip-pip and it works. Need to install future package within virtualenv tho.

It’s already been merged for the next release: :slight_smile:

edit: @Inbl what did you have to change? If that’s something that needs to be fixed in upstream or in home-assistant it would be a good idea to make it happen before the next release.

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I honestly can’t remember, I’ll try to find it.

Unfortunately the newest version didn’t make the cut for 0.41.0 so .1 or . 0.42 should introduce the update. Sorry for the delay, but there were some hold backs and those are now resolved.

Also does anyone have the TP-Link light bulbs? There was a code contribution but some beta testing would be helpful.

Still not working, I tried updating the pyHS100 component, and my Mini Smart Plug (HS105) is still not working.

Wait for the official release. several people have reported that it works so the most likely cause is either misconfiguration or you improperly updating the library.

I do think that I have improperly updated the library, could you possibly point me to steps to update it? I just got my Mini Plug, and I would rather have it setup sooner then later.

You should install them using pip’s --target option. The answer vastly depends on how you have installed hass.

If you’ve installed it in virtualenv in /home/hass:

$ sudo -u hass -s -H
$ cd /home/hass/
$ ~/bin/pip3 install pyHS100==0.2.4 --upgrade --target /home/hass/.homeassistant/deps

No distributions matching the version for pyHS100==0.2.4

Here’s a fix that worked for me 100%:

cd ~
git clone
pip3 install --upgrade ./pyHS100/ --target ~/.homeassistant/deps

Then I figured out that in the same directory that you run your hass command you must do

pip install future

And there you go, Mini smart plugs work perfectly!