Compatible Smoke detector


As a long time home assistant user it is time to renew my smoke detectors inside my home.

I do have a KNX BUS cable available at all places a smoke detector needs to be installed though I think most of them are using wireless communication.

I was looking at Google Nest Protect v2 but I believe the support is limited inside home assistant (at least I don’t find official HA documentation about them)

What kind of detectors are you using? and which one integrates easily with HA?

thank you

I got wireless nest protect integrated via homebridge. Tried integration from hacs but that didn t work for me. Via homebridge plugin no problem.

I use Fibaro Z-wave ones. Nice and small, not much trouble with false alarms.

I use First Alert “dumb” smoke alarms for a couple of reasons. First and foremost, these are life safety devices and I don’t know how much I trust a “smart device” maker with my family’s safety. Also my local jurisdiction has a number of requirements that most “smart” detectors didn’t meet, like interconnectivity, CO sensors, and 10-year battery backup — so be sure to check for local regulations before buying.

Since my alarms are all hard-wired, I was able to add the First Alert “relay” with a Z-Wave contact sensor so HA knows whenever any detector in the house goes off (but not which one). And since the batteries never need replacing, there is no need to monitor them in realtime, so I’m not really clear what other “smart” features I am missing out on.

I also added the Ecolink FireFighter sensor, which sits right next to my building-wide system’s red speaker and listens for the sound of a fire alarm. So far this has worked reliably but again provides only alerting capability. The Z-wave integration does tell me when this sensor’s battery is low.

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Thank you for all responses,

I ended up ordering multiple First Alert SCO501CN-3ST, this because my insurance company obliges me to interconnect them.

KNX also offers interconnections but the prices are way too high!

Best regards,