Compensation Integration - add event and number input

I have used the Compensation Integration on a project and it works very well. I am now trying to apply it to blueprints I am sharing with the community and have run into a roadblock.

Compensation - Home Assistant.

The Aqara cube sends out an event when you turn it and in that event it tells you how many degrees it has turned. I would like to use that with compensation to adjust the brightness of a light or the volume of a media player by a compensated amount.

However because this data is not the state of a sensor or the state of the attribute of something else, I do not know how to feed it in. I’m sure I could create a template sensor and feed it that way, but this is a blueprint I am sharing with the community and the fewer steps the better. I currently do math to get this done, but the ability to have non-linear responses and limit the amount of rotation is more difficult. I also don’t do this kind of math well, not my expertise at all but the black-box nature of the integration make this kind of this obtainable for math-rejects like me,

My current versions:
HA_Blueprints/Scripts/dimmer_control_4_magic_cube.yaml at 2b12188d3388cd5dddfadbf4098980804cc24de1 · SirGoodenough/HA_Blueprints · GitHub.

HA_Blueprints/Scripts/volume_control_4_magic_cube.yaml at 2b12188d3388cd5dddfadbf4098980804cc24de1 · SirGoodenough/HA_Blueprints · GitHub.

If Compensation were modified to either be able to capture data from an event, and / or be able to have a compensation set-up that would accept any numeric value and apply the compensation, then this use case would be possible.