Compensation no values

I’ve added a compensation integration to show the state of charge of my battery. I’m using a shelly uni to measure the voltage. After a restart the comp-sensor shows up, but there’s no data. what am I missing?

    unique_id: pq1_soc
    source: sensor.pq1_monitor_adc
    attribute: soc
    unit_of_measurement: '%'
    lower_limit: true
    upper_limit: true
      - [23.5, 1.0]
      - [26.2, 76.0]
      - [27.7, 100.0]

Please show the same screenshot for your source sensor. I want to see the soc attribute: my suspicion is that the source number is actually the state of your sensor and you shouldn’t be including the attribute: soc line.

I was right — you don’t have a soc attribute on that sensor, it’s the state you’re reading. Remove the line:

attribute: soc

and restart.

that was it. removing the attribute worked, thanks