Complete Home Assistant Beginners Guide

For anyone just starting out their Home Assistant journey we have a great and in-depth walkthrough for starting everything off on the right foot. I hope you guys find this useful and any feedback is always appreciated!

Complete Home Assistant Beginners Guide (2021)

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It’s 2021 and you are still refering to HASSIO?

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Really thorough walkthrough!

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Youtube clickbait.

as a new user (started 4 months ago) i can tell you, that ANYTHING you see online, is out of date.

i made a ‘how to’ post for a new switch that i got 3 weeks ago, that is already outdated and doesnt work any more with the latest update

any beginners guide will simply confuse you more, because of how fast things change

jump in, try and work it out yourself, as everything else, is just click bait, and wont help you much


I get that things get outdated, but by your logic we should ignore every other resource not provided se day on the off chance it might have aspects that are outdated? Posting the link was meant to be helpful and I think if you watched it you would agree it is.

  • thanks for the feedback though
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The link was meant to be helpful and if you watched the video I know you would agree it’s anything but click bait. Any actual feedback on the video would be appreciated.

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I’m not sure what your question is?

Some of these guys are giving feedback to newbs on a daily basis, and have been for years in support of HA. That’s asking enough of them, don’t ya think? In that regard, I think they are very well qualified at critiquing such a video… in fact maybe they would collaborate to create it? IDK… also, your first post is a YT link… that is bad optics obviously, lol.

The community guideline section is meant for written tutorials, that can be edited by anyone. This way it can be ensured that it stays up-to-date. The video makes this impossible.
I’ll move this to the share your projects section.

And as mentioned already, you use the term, which has been deprecated more than a year ago as an introduction for newbies.

Oh! Got it. My apologies. Thank you.
