Complete modification of Steinel L600

Now my ass has burst - as we say in Germany. I put so much pointless time into my cameras and every time there was always “something” that no longer wanted to work. After I swapped from my Fibaro Z-Wave devices to Wlan modules + a Raspi with Home Assistant, my complex scenery work fine now without problems. Now I want start with my cameras.

I have certain aesthetic requirements and I have long been looking for an inconspicuous solution that I can integrate into my home network without a cloud connection. Every time I realized that either the camera is not properly connected to the Surveilance Station, nor the RDP stream in my home assistant works correctly. Then the sound is poor or there are extreme delays when using it as an intercom. Every time some “tools” have to be clamped in between or has to be hacked in some manor to make it work. And mostly only for a short time.

I now want to completely rebuild my Steinel L600. I have already made my first experiences with Tasmota and flashing ESP32 because of my Z-Wave switch to the WiFi modules. So I think that I can do something nice and give the community an impetus on how to get an aesthetic and fully configurable L600. The following two videos serve as a basis:

  1. Interesting because of the lamp control:

  2. Interesting because of the home assistant integration:

If you have any ideas or, even better, suggestions for better camera modules, etc., please let me know.


Any progress? I have the same Steinel L600. It looks good, but the possibilities without the app are poor.

Sorry. Not yet. Time missing for tryouts. :frowning:

I’m curious if you guys made any progress…I’m having the same Steinel L600 light/cams and I’ve managed to get them streaming in the ICSEE app. This is a app normally used for Chinese ip cams.

Maybe you can try the app on your android and scan your network to see if the app will also find the Steinel L600 and you maybe find some details on the device info settings which could trigger some idea’s.

Would be nice if we could get these devices into HA


Another interested party here…
I haven’t made the purchase yet bit the same reasons as given before make me look at this thing. It’s nice and functional.
You all remain happy with it after all tis time? Or has your opinion changed?