Hi guys. 1st attempt was a complete blowout - but deleted and started from scratch pedantically following the instructions for QNAP syllable by syllable. Selected the “Stable” version which was auto-installed by the QNAP Container Station - which I understand to be version 2021.12.7. System is up and running, but I’m still very much in the “Play and learn” phase. Have ordered a box of Shelly modules but don’t have them yet so just tinkering with the Sonos, FritzBox, and Samsung (Smart TV) devices that HA autodetected. I have a bunch of questions, but will limit to just one here…
I have noted in documentation that the Docker install doesn’t have access to the Plugin Store so some of my experimenting of necessity will involve editing configuration.yaml. I’ve gone to the shared folder that I created at installation time which was allegedly linked as /Config - and the QNAP File Manager is telling me the folder is empty. I have ensured the option to display hidden files is selected, and have also used the Search feature to scan the entire file system for a configuration.yaml file but nothing has been found.
I created a folder “/containers/HA” before installation, and during the installation process selected this folder, and gave it the mount point “/Config” as I understood the instructions to be requesting. HA seems to be running correctly so far as I can tell (HA announced through my Lounge-room Sonos that the Sun had set - 1st attempted Automation which seemed to work correctly), so I have to assume the configuration file has been put somewhere…
Is there some idiosyncrasy in the naming of the folder that I have misunderstood? If so, is there any way to correct whatever error I have made? At this point hosing the installation and starting over for the 3rd time is not a huge problem… (there is nothing to loose really)
Many thanks in anticipation.