Complete swipe gesture support if possible?

I searched for this and might be missing if it is discussed elsewehere.
I think complete support for all swipe gestures that are available on the respective platforms would be a very valuable addition to this project. I have no idea what the magnitude of work this would be, but I hope it is already somewhat there in the webkits and can be added at some point,

It is of course a ubiquitous feature on millions of handsets worldwide so I might be missing something obvious?. Complete support for this would surely be a very useful and familiar feature for many, many users?
I am using this which is a very nice touchpad card which does some of it very well:

Additional gestures that I would find useful in order of priority for my use for remotes on the HA App on iPhones as and also if possible mainstream browsers on desktop computer touchpads for relevant platforms in list below but I would assume that this would be implemented as-is on all platforms.

  1. one-finger double-tap
  2. two finger swipe up/down/left right (to swipe left-right-up-down on HA app and most browsers)
  3. two finger-tap (as in control-click on most browsers)
  4. two finger double-tap
  5. fast swipe for acceleration of scrolling in lists horizontal and vertical