Completed: Netatmo token refresh problem


Netatmo is integrated into my HomeAssistant. Netatmo has 50 entities associated with 6 devices. That is the backbone of my HomeAssistant.
Now I have started to get the following error:

Home Assistant Cloud
6 devices and 50 entities
Failed setup, will retry: 500, message=‘Internal Server Error’, url=‘

This means that the whole house of cards is falling over, since Netatmo sensors are used “everywhere”.

I can log in to Netatmo and see 5 Home Assistant Cloud Third-party applications.
Although they look the same, I don’t have the courage to delete 4 because I don’t know what they do.

I have searched for what others do in a similar situation and if there is a solution, it is always a reinstallation of the Netatmo integration.

This is my very last solution because for me it is almost like starting from scratch.

Does anyone know how I can get a new token from Netatmo so that “Home Assistant Cloud” can connect ?

Best regards

I choose to rollback Netatmo to move forward.

cp templates.yaml templates.yaml_save
cp configuration.yaml configuration.yaml_save

In Netatmo my-account the Partner program was removed.

Then in Home Assistant all entities connected to Netatmo was removed. It was not posible to remove all.

In HomeAssistant.Settings.Integration.Netatmo.Hubs the Home Assist Cloud was removed.
Now the Netatmo integration was gone.

Then the Netatmo integration was reinstaled and setup again.

Then the devices was connected to areaes in Home Assistant.

Then we have the entities again, with the same name at before.

Next time I won’t worry about deleting entities, but simply delete Netatmo Home Assist Cloud and then reinstall Netatmo.


Thanks for your solution,
did you get your statistics back as well? history?
or did the statistics go back to 0 since your new installation?

thanks for all your answers