It was would be amazing to have a component wit API hook into the energy provider Griddy. ( The main reason is the company shows you current price per Kw every 5 minute that you are paying for.
Do gogriddy have an api?
Yeah, really needs to be python to be implemented in home assistant.
Once the API is understood though, a rest sensor may do what you want.
Like this:
found here
I’ve added this to my config.yaml and to the secrets.yaml (and made the necessary replacements for meterID and memberID), but I’m never seeing a new entity_id being created for griddy. The weird thing is that there’s not even anything in the logs about it. Am I missing a step or something?
I also ran across this python implementation recently and was thinking of trying to add it into HASS as a plugin or custom component. I’ve never done anything with that before though, so I’ll be looking into options.
I really have no idea, I simply responded to the original poster with the results of my googling.