Component media_player platform enigma2, use_channel_icon: true solved

Hi there !
Does this stuff with

use_channel_icon: true

work in someones app?
# Enigma2 (OpenWebif)

It’s often discussed here in the forum or on github. But I can’t find a solution. No way works for me.
e.g. #22293
Is there any config which works in your installation?

So I tried some things an studied the sources.

  1. At least I deleted the component mediaplayer as noticed in the docs
    → now, the enigma2 ist automatically detected

  2. But the error in log file is the same as before:

2019-07-21 13:36:22 DEBUG (SyncWorker_2) [openwebif.api] prefer_picon is False. Returning screengrab of channel: ZDFinfo HD

  1. I checked openwebif.api in the side-packages. The var prefer_icon is set do “False” by default. I changed this var, restarted hass, but it had no impact.
    I changed the var in the constants with no impact (in site-packages). After restart hass no impact with the same log as mentioned under No. 1

My question ist, where can I change the var prefer_icon, so that it takes affect ?
Enigma2 (OpenWebif) - Home Assistant has no impact for me. :thinking:

Am I on a completely wrong way?

thx for help !

sorry for replying myself :slightly_smiling_face:

I solved this little problem for me, hope it helps:

my hass:

  • python_version|3.7.3
  • version|0.96.2
  • virtualenv|true

shows that enigma2 ist automatically detected by discovery component.

In the frontend this mediaplayer was shown as entity: media_player.hostname.local.
here only screen grabbing works (check logs)

So I created enigma2 with media_player component manually in configuration.yaml

  - platform: enigma2
    deep_standby: true
    use_channel_icon: true

Now you have do bring this entity to the frontend and due to we wont’t have the automatically detected media_player in the frontend, deactivate it in the discovery component.

 # Discover some devices automatically
    - enigma2
