Component not found: manual_ip. error with esp32-poe-iso board

Hello everyone. First time poster and a newbie to ESPHome.
I’m trying to build an Ethernet connected PoE powered Thermometer using an esp32-poe-iso board purchased for this task (it seemed to tick all the boxes).

My first step was to get the Ethernet up which has succeeded using DHCP, but I really need static addressing and when i use the example esphome gives me this “Component not found: manual_ip” error.

Can anyone smarter than me know what the problem here might be? I’ve managed to stumble my way along with getting python, esphome and home assistant installed.

Here’s the code. It only works if I remove the manual_ip part.

  name: esp_poe
  platform: ESP32
  board: esp32-poe-iso
  type: LAN8720
  mdc_pin: GPIO23
  mdio_pin: GPIO18
  clk_mode: GPIO17_OUT
  phy_addr: 0
  power_pin: GPIO12
  # Optional manual IP

manual_ip, and the lines under it, should be indented one level.

Thanks nickrout. See, it was a rookie mistake :slight_smile:

Yeah but we all do them! Glad it is working. Out of interest, which board are you using?

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It’s the Olimex esp32-poe-iso.
So far I’ve loaded the web server on it and it’s showing the sensor (bme280) data on it yaya! I’m pretty happy :slight_smile: :sunglasses: and high five!

Never got this far using the Arduino programmer.
Next up is an 1602 LCD, then the website.

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