So, my Zigbee is less reliable than my WiFi, which is a bit unexpected, and has been for several years. I’ve just been putting up with it.
Today I learned that my ConBee II USB stick can have its firmware updated! Hey, possible fix! I did so, following the docs on Github. No big deal. Shutdown HA host, remove stick, flash in my PC, reinstall stick, power up HA host.
No working Zigbee devices! All there, all greyed out. Look at the ZHA integration.
Failed setup. Will retry. Check the logs.
Well, there’s nothing in the logs about ZHA. (Yes, I added the LOGGER lines from the ZHA docs to my CONFIGURATION.YAML)
Lots of reboots, lots of power cycles, nothing.
I’m not sure what to do next. I could remove and reinstall but I’m afraid of losing my Zigbee devices, and then having to reinstall them. (There’s 28 devices.)
Any thoughts appreciated.