Conbee II killed my Hassio

I was all excited at the knock at the door as it was my new conbee ii arriving ready for me to play with. Took it out the box plugged it in to the pi and pop. :frowning: I got a lost connection on the browser window I had open pointing at my home assistant and now all I get is ā€œError connection refusedā€.

I unplugged the conbee and restarted the pi but its the same, it responds to pings but not to any http(s) requests, Adguard is also not starting up so something is not very well.

Iā€™ll have a look through the forum but can anyone point me towards a good recovery guide or has seen this before?

My pi normally lives under the stairs headless so I pulled it out and plugged it in to the tv to see what it was doing. It seem sto boot in to a CLI that says Home Assistant CLI is not running ! Jump into emergency console.

So some fun times ahead getting things working again :smiley:

Thanks for looking and any assistance

Coincidence sd card crash? Havin a backup?

Yeah could be, I have a backup somewhere I think not sure from how long ago :smiley: Iā€™ll pull the SD and have a look, the SD is working as it boots to something, itā€™s just failing at some point be for it starts HA.

Well what do you know, I left it in the state it was in and its fixed itself :smiley: happy days!

How old is your version of Home Assistant that you still refer to it as hassio?

FWIW, the name hassio was replaced by Home Assistant OS several months ago. Youā€™ll be hard-pressed to find any reference to the old name anywhere in the documentation.

Is it possible that something required a lot of time to restart, or configure itself, before it became responsive again? Perhaps when you left it alone, it had all the time it needed to finish the job it started.

Or the SD card developed a corruption ā€¦ :man_shrugging: