I’ve been having trouble connecting my IKEA lights, and Aqara temperature sensor. When initiating a search through the phoscon app it reports nothing was found, however the nodes and endpoints do show up in the deconz GUI, although without the attribute dropdown menu with the device specific controls. Trying to fetch the simple descriptors does not work. I’ve posted an issue about it on their git but with no response, it has a more detailed description of my problem, hoping someone here has an idea of what I should try?
Git Issue
I’m using the ConBee II with an extension cable on Ubuntu 18.04 atm, started trying on a raspberry pi but thought troubleshooting with deconz GUI would be easier from a laptop.
Perhaps check to see if the ConBee II firmware is up to date?
I’ve got 2.05.67 (also tried .70 with same result) and 264A0700 FW. Today I’ve tried connecting a Philips hue light with the same result also. I noticed that when i press “Read Node Descriptor” in deCONZ, the little light on the node flashes red always. I’ve also been playing around with the channels, and trying a new extension cable in case my other one was defunct.
I remembered that there was one chapter in the user manual that I never fully understood, which is chapter “4.3 Endpoints”. Do I have to do something with the endpoint editor to get it to work?
Out of nowhere it started to work! Everything is now connected and I’m a happy man, hopefully it will work once i get it on my raspberry pi aswell